Session 10


Segment 10 Tussole Summer 3 - 5

Traveling for 1 day Traveling to Breckles

  • Simple-Joe Routine Maintenance, Socialize
  • Akren Scout, Scavenge
  • Alexander-Aurelius On Watch Socialize
  • Arturas-Gabrys Good Night’s Rest
  • Vespin-Aevaris Good Night’s Rest
  • Greg-Colter Trained the manticore
  • 6 of the earth elementals in the woods, mimicing soldiers.
  • Root creatures were dispatched.
  • Made it to Breckles-Pass
  • Talked with Dawnster Breckles going to meet at The Slab to discuss peace in the morning.
  • Alexander-Aurelius spoke with the innkeeper, knows a bit about the area.
  • In attendance
    • Dawnster Breckles
    • Old man Breckles
    • 2 additional people (each a leader of the mountain)
    • 2 guards + dire wolves by the door
  • Old man Breckles said they would provide 2 commandos, bringing a bunch of lanterns, and big dire wolf mounted spotlights.
  • Meeting on neutral ground.
  • Darla started the Peace Talks Project, did 2 / 3 steps.
  • Dawnster + Jereby + Spangler the commandos meeting them for the Journey.
  • Simple-Joe commanding Spangler
  • Arturas-Gabrys commanding Jereby
  • Heading to the rendezvous point
    • using the same rolls
  • Encountered a checkpoint where disgruntled soldier attacked them, they managed to get him court martialed.
  • Made it to the neutral rendevous, where two Tennens Soldier were waiting with upgraded great axes.
  • 3 hours on foot to the location of the elemental giant.
  • 20 meters across river flowing fast putting them at an impass. At least some path that only 4 feet deep, other locations would put people underwater.
  • managed to get everyone across
  • entered into the darker forest after the water.


  • 6 size of basic wood/resonant/liquid (took 6 size of basic resonant).


To Do



Scratch Space

  • Akren 6
  • Arturas 1
  • Elementals G1 1
  • Simple 0
  • Elementals G2 -1
  • Vespin -2
  • Greg -3
  • Alexander -3

  • Elementals are at short
  • Akren missed a bomb
  • Arturas delays
  • 3 attacked simple
  • Arturas joined melee
  • Arturas killed one (G1)
  • Simple missed
  • One attacks simple and is evaded,
  • one attacks greg and misses
  • Vespin Destroyed the one (G2) on Greg.
  • Vespin Grabbed by forest one
  • Greg rushes the woods one, blew it up,
  • Alexander joined the melee, hits one using fire to destroy it
  • Akren hits one with a bomb, 1 integrity damage
  • Arturas hits one big and it dies.
  • Simple bonked one for 2 damage
  • Greg bonked em

Elemental Earth

Move Initiative Resistance Integrity Weakness Resistance
Reach 2 - 2 Heat, Life Piercing, Cold


Trait when grappling they can act normally.