Character Creation

To play Aspirant as a Player , you will need to create a character, this will be your way of connecting to the game world and interacting with it. When referring to the player, the player’s character will be used interchangeably with the player themselves.


Before anything else, try to imagine what your character should be. Are they a specific race? Tall? What colour is their hair? Do they have any unique traits? These are the kinds of questions that will help fill out your character. None of this will have any bearing on your character’s abilities, but it could influence them.

Make note of your character’s name and any other relevant details before moving on to giving your character rules.

Character Creation Options

CHARACTER CREATION IS CURRENTLY BROKEN WHILE CORE SYSTEMS ARE REWRITTEN #TODO Your GM should discuss with your party to determine what sort of characters you want to create. There are a few separate ways to create an aspirant character based on the power level and story you are looking to tell.

  • Humble-Beginnings for if you would like to start with basic characters and explore / build the world together.
  • Classes more powerful character archetypes.
  • Adventurers for if you want your characters to already be well travelled, with knowledge of the world around them.

Optionally, characters may also begin with one (or more) Cultural-Mutations which can further effect starting XP.

Example Characters

A few Classes characters of 10XP are provided for The Players and GM to use or reference.

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