Alexander Aurelius

from a central crossroads city, should be wealthy but pulled and stretched by all sides. Minor noble, big draw, adopted not sure where he came from. Found and raised by nobles. Dreams “sees himself sitting on a throne surrounded by shadows, including childhood friend Greg-Colter.” sees them as advisors. “Sees a flag, adorned with a celestial emblem, waving across the land. His hand has been replaced with a shadow but marked as celestial.” Stanton’s goal to find the gauntlet relic that will give him the power. Pompous but caring, knows he’s destined, but believes he will provide for others. Questing for:

  • Powerful` allies

  • Acquire the power to be the emperor (clothes, resolve the issues, etc.)

  • Wants to walk the land (Christ style ✞)

Will be actually a celestial, needs to discover the secrets to his power.

Stanton’s list of people to acquire:


  • Ender of the Blood War. (Breckles And Tennens).


  • Wants a cool gauntlet.
  • Wants a crown / tiara (like Aragorn though, real cool).


  • Wants 10 Key Allies, including the party members (5).
  • 2 Alexander wants to be commandable (at least) / travel with the party.
  • Because of the run in with the merchants, wanted to unite the small guilds, so one of the leaders would be a follower.
  • Alexander wants a daughter of one of the Vampire Lords, Percilla Crimson
  • Alexander wants a bishop of the church.
  • Wants to use the thieves’ guild in Verdantholm, transforming it into an intelligence agency.

Percilla Crimson

A daughter of one of the Crimson Ladies.

Alexander as a boy met Percilla travelling through Crosshaven with her family. They had met and taken a liking to one another.

A user of arcane blood magic, and haruspex.

Located in the courts of the vampires.

Ignis Lux

High ranking religious figure of The-Holy-Order.

  • Inquisitor,
  • Bishop,
  • High Priest

Alexander-Aurelius knows of Ignis through his preaching of unity and togetherness. Is anti dogma and pro guidance. Has no interest in attacking the heretics. A bit of a black sheep.

Typical holy warrior, would be capable of some Miracles and Prayers, and have access to the Reliquary.

Located at Calphion, an influential (second in command) at the church there.



Cellia Aurelius

Terse to the point woman. Respect but thinks husband is silly. Likes Simple-Joe. Believes adventuring is a passing fancy.