





Xen (It/Its)

A mechanized soldier from a forgotten time. A brass knight. Simple legs like springs, over designed hands and a helmet for hair. Deep pausing voice. Works on weapons and machinery with precision.

Built during the post cataclysm power grabs. The pre Argent Hold, Argent Hold.

Did terrible things in the past.

Works out of an abandoned factory.

Hates the old The-Empire for destroying the world. All factions.

Regular Joe

thin waxed moustache in black with long bunned hair, direct. Apron with the family symbol. Wants to impress his brother. Younger brother to Simple-Joe Owns a bar here. The Donkey’s Dram

Roxy (Roxanne) la Croix

clean well kept skin but tanned and calloused. Grey eyes and blonde / red hair. Wears banded plate / hood and carries a full blown service revolver (5 shots) and a cudgel. Was born the daughter of a minor merchant family in Verdantholm, but while she was still a child, her family was crushed by the plotting of one of the larger merchant groups. Her father was killed as a result of the schemes, leaving her to fend for her ailing mother and younger sibling on her own, with hardly a silver to their name. Her mother passed away after a few years of poverty, but she manages to provide for her sibling with the charisma you’d expect from the daughter of a merchant family, and the newfound guile and flexible morals necessitated by poverty. She eventually learns that her family’s downfall was orchestrated by someone, however she has still yet to find out who. Once she learns this, her actions shifted from just survival to revenge, and she gradually took control of the loose connections between the thieves and other miscreants that were loosely referred to as the Exchange, shaping it into something more organized, with herself at the top. Under her leadership, some members realized that in a city of merchants and mages, gold and jewels were not the only prizes, and certain members of the Exchange steal and trade in information, a powerful commodity that allows them to survive despite the relative notoriety that has been accruing. From The Exchange headquarters, Roxy takes her revenge against the merchants of Verdantholm, still seeking the ones that lead her family to ruin.

One Eye

Bald mass of muscle, with a great sword, crossbow and sword. Like a tightly wound spring. Roxy (Roxanne) la Croix right hand.

Melany Lezwix (she/her)

Greying hair, but very youthful woman aging eyes in the leaders robes (grey trimmed gold). Master level enchanter. “Leader” Lezwix, one of the guilds leaders.

Mo Joe (he/him)

Grey robes hemmed in silver. Shaved head. Bravado, over excited. History and ritual magic expert. Cousin of Simple-Joe head of the Library.

Expert Librarian.


A massive hulking knight 10-11 feet tall, met gaving alms to the poor.

Giving grace to the “old Gods”

Merchants Guilds


Led by Lacy Svensen, a cold calculating women who wants to keep trade moving no matter the cost. She wears a large wig of curls in white, with a scrawny starved physique and a collection of gorgeous flowing dresses.

James Sons

Led by James an ex pirate turned merchant cut throat, the brawns of the operation. Notably older with short cut grey hair they always seem to be checking a pocket watch like they are running out of time / afraid of something.


Led by Page Hahn (they/them), a flamboyant theatrical type who things they are owed the world after their family gave them the family business. Wears colorful clothing and has longer ponytailed brown hair.


The Exchange

Verdantholm is home to a large, powerful network of thieves, black market dealers, and wet work mercs.

The Exchange has many meeting sites across the city, where people can buy or sell illicit goods, or simple gathering places for ne’er-do-wells, often popping up out of nowhere and vanishing on the morrow, while the location of the headquarters is a closely guarded secret, presumed to be either somewhere underground or in one of the many inconspicuous buildings one can find in the harbor or downtown core.

The Black Leaf

A tea room, if you give the code “fate is just divine punishment” you will be brought to a back room.

Mages Guild

College style.

City grew from the campus not the other way around. Large wizards spire in the middle of things.

Robes are colored by archetype: Black Mystic Blue Arcane Red Dynamist Green Shaper Grey Leader

Classifications of mage are: Bronze Amateur Silver Expert Gold Master


Large crystal constructs float about helping to find books. Made of a mess of crystal that solidifies to humanoid. Shelves are animated and magical.


Mage Weave - Exotic Textiles Armour 30 Silver Skill Penalty 0 Integrity 2 Weakness: - Resistance: Cold Life
