
All things are made up of materials. This usually isn’t a major concern to the average adventurer, but a savvy tradesman will want to carefully select materials of varying qualities for their projects. Characters will need to source materials for anything they create. Materials should be simple and interchangeable within a quality.

Material Quality

All materials generally come in three quality levels:


Simple materials, not very useful for crafting anything but the most basic of things.


Well treated, high-quality materials used for proper tools and equipment.


Impressive materials, sourced from unique locations and situations with powerful properties.

Material Types

There are generally 8 types of materials that will be used for creating:

  • Bits
  • Flora
  • Hide
  • Liquid
  • Metal
  • Resonant
  • Textiles
  • Wood


    Unless the task you need a material for is exceptionally powerful, you should try to avoid specificity. Mutating a character to have cat-like eyes might require specifically eyes from a were-cat, but a potion of night sight should require any artisan bit + artisan liquid.

Acquiring Materials

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