Vespin Aevaris
An enchanter wizard, a vagabond who was exiled from his home city, harassed for creating risky magic. Wants to learn it all, gather all the power and magic.
Was exiled from his home Verdantholm; when the wizards do this it’s due to an individual practising or creating “forbidden magic”. When they send you away, they take all the memories of what you did for themselves for safe keeping.
Now Vespin is on a pilgrimage to try and regain power. He was travelling towards the endless fire region when he was propositioned by Alexander to join him. With his new group, they will most likely end up in places of great power and there is safety in numbers, as not everyone is too fond of the name Vespin Aevaris. Though, he himself doesn’t remember what he did yet.
Vespin’s name is cursed, those who speak it have ill memories of it, even if they cannot place why and it get’s stuck in peoples heads.
Who cursed Vespins name?
After leaving the Mages Guild he was exiled and he mentioned “going home for a bit”.