Session 25
Calphion 09 Winter -
- Calphion militia have blockaded the bay, we will start there next time.
- Made it into the city, were stopped and informed of quarantine, given passes for 36 hours.
- Told to go see the church to handle stuff.
- Know of the quarantine,
- Greg found some spectral thugs attacking a woman, knows they are undead.
- They took them down.
- Holy knights guard the church.
- 3 candles at the front of the church.
- Went to the Church, met Ignis Lux Inquisitor Lux.
- The woman from the attack offered to have wife fix their armour for free.
- Lux is the highest ranking member of the Calphion church normally. Otherwise covered by small time priests.
- Crusade is led by Harper Aiolfi (He/Him)
- Offered them retainer of silver, extended visas, and some churches treasures / confiscated goods.
- Alexander negotiated, for getting payment up front of 100 silver.
To Do
- Roxy (Roxanne) la Croix will think on who would make a good leader of the merchants.
- Morty new stats.
- Arturas looked at the autocarraige specs that Xen had, discuss costs of carraige.
- Simple Greg, writes a letter to Mo Joe (he/him) to ask about the observations about natural escalation.
Undead Thugs (The Damned)
*Remains of people brought back to life. Move and act as they would have when alive. * (4, mixed, 2) 6 integrity, weak to life. Trap: can’t react if you just meleed them. Trait: Undying, need to be killed to be stopped.
Scratch Space\
- TPierce 1
- TRending 0 on fire (prone)