Session 17


Causdin 6 Fall - 16 Fall 1173

  • brought the heart back to Causdin.
  • Suggested a pilgrimage periodically to appease the heart.
  • DOWNTIME 6th - 11th
    • Alexander - Researching a safe path from Causdin to Verdantholm
    • Akren - Production work. making anti-magic dust.
    • Greg - Learning Fast Friend.
    • Arturas -
  • Festival is a city wide celebration of food and drink.
  • Alexander-Aurelius talked of his dreams at the festival to a crowd of onlookers.
  • Arturas-Gabrys has a pending letter Dawnster Breckles mentioned which will be passed along to Verdantholm.
  • Perigrin Vesta (she/her) going to send letters with updates to Alexander-Aurelius.
  • Arturas-Gabrys interacted with some people who recognized him as a monster hunter. There is a town of Chordys with some intrigue.
  • Traveling East to the Lunar Mark. 12th - 14th
    • Akren Scouting, Socialize
    • Alexander-Aurelius Socialize, guard
    • Arturas-Gabrys Scavenge, Socialize
    • Greg-Colter Cart, Training (personal)
    • the group while sleeping was approached by 4 ethereal ancient soldiers (segmented plate, swords, repeating rifles) escorting a mechanized steam punk exo suit. Members of the Empire
    • These Empire soldiers are from the year 673. Said as much.The mech pilot got out with a body covered in constelations and recognized them before vanishing.
  • Found the Lunar Mark, Hundreds of symbols burnt into the ground. Took the day (15th) to catalogue the markings. It was a declaration of war written into the ground. Arturas has 1 step left on a project, needs some additional piece to translate the piece. Maybe a reference manual would do.
  • One day to the Ghost Town (16th)



To Do

  • Going to the Ghost Town.
  • Write out the whole declaration of war.



Scratch Space