Designing Storage

Crafting Storage

Efficient storage requires numerous small latches and fixings and meticulous tailored pieces to come together into a functional piece. General costs for crafting different pieces of storage are as follows:

  • Belts: Base cost of 10 silver for 4 units of storage.
  • Bags: Base cost of 5 silver for 4 + Strength units of storage.
  • Saddlebags: Base cost of 10 silver for 10 units of storage

Every type of storage can have up to 4 additional size.

Additional Size Of Storage Cost (cumulative)
1 5
2 10
3 20
4 30

So, a Belt with 6 storage would cost 10 silver for the base plus 10 silver for the additional 2 size of storage.

Customized Storage

Any bag can have its storage customized for a specific thing. This activity takes a tailor a day and allows you to convert 1 size of generic storage into 2 size of specialized storage or the other way. The types of specialized storage are: