Session 14

Year 1332 Winter 8th -

  • Tomorrow taking 5 day trip to Darcellus / Mournest
  • Setting Sail:
    • There ship has 4 cannons (2 and 2 broadside mounted) and a turret ballista.
    • Stem - Working for 3 silver balancing books
      • Noticed some oddities, making trades with the “sky”, Deals with the King Of The Mermaids, specifically it was payment to hide a treasure.
    • Jarl - Scavenging, scout, on watch. Got 2 size of basic bits (fish chunks)
    • Mal - Socialize trained in ablative armour from the sailors.
    • Rei - Finishing Expert Shaping
    • Bront - Craftin’ some scrap bombs
    • Casey - Surgery on Zom, giving him healing magic. Installed the stomach implant, plastic surgery to make him look like a rugged older keanu reaves (Matrix 4).
  • Ship has basically infinite storage for them to use while they are travelling.
  • Winter 13th arrived at Mournest.
    • Stem did the ritual and brought back Magdolin, flesh shaping her old body basically.
    • Rei figured out Michelle was mad at them. Smoothed stuff over.
    • Casey met with Darcellus, got greeted with clothes and wine.
    • Darcellus has crow spies.
    • Darcellus wants them to hunt down two abominations in the basement
      • An owlbear hybrid and the “Shade”.


  • Spririt Lantern
    • Can hold 1 soul indefinitely.
    • May use souls as artisan or greater material (based on the sould quality).
    • May spend a power, and roll Attunement to capture the soul of an undead in the lantern. Very powerful undead may try to break out.


To Do

  • Make an agent of the crown advancement everyone gets for free.
  • Stem sent a message to Rigor


