Session 1
Segment 1 Spring 1 - Spring 5
- Setting out, Simple-Joe, Alexander-Aurelius, Greg-Colter all decide to depart from Crosshaven on their way to Snowcrest. Planning to meet Akren somewhere on the way.
- Crosshaven has a medium size noble cast, Alexander-Aurelius isn’t the ruling family
- Argent-Hold militant city
- Story starts with Alexander-Aurelius trying to find Greg-Colter, meet in the stables.
- Bumped into Simple-Joe at the gate
- The Grand Cross Bar that adventurers stay at
- Kevin one of the guys harrassing Arturas-Gabrys flunked out of being a guard.
- Arturas-Gabrys got 10 silver, dealth with some forest pigmies for a local merchant.
- Grey and brown sell swords #Unanswered in the Grand Cross.
- One of the travelling river guilds, or Raiders from the north.
- Vespin-Aevaris made a blade catch fire.
- Brindle the barkeep, beast woman and sister run the Grand Cross.
- Simple-Joe gave the others promisarry notes from the Lady.
- Jerald, butler of the house.
- Arturas and Vespin socialized
- Simple and Greg Socialize
- Arturas + Vespin doing Half Work to make flash bombs
- Alexander on watch
- Were attacked by a Bilwis while crossing a cursed field.
- Made it to Wayside
To Do
- Resolve crafting bombs,
- Downtime activity for the travel,