Session 2

Step 1 + 2 Days

  • Bront top deck shadowing,
  • Rei + Jarl going to look for saboteur
  • Stem found the main door (including mal)
  • Casey helping to heal the sick
  • 4 floors including top deck,
  • Casey moved to the bottom floor
  • The sick have degenerative disease, leprosy (kind of)
  • about 7 minutes till, the hull explodes
  • Casey cleaning self for 2 minutes
  • Bront see soldiers casing tent to the west
  • Bront subterfuge-ing over to the tent
  • Rei running to top deck
  • Jarl staying with Casey
  • Rei slipped down the stairs
  • Magdolin started to travel with them, disappeared in the sunlight, dropped the lantern.
  • Did some trading in town, liquefied some items


  • Fallen Star - MW Exotic Size 2 : Lethal +1 damage, Perfect (+1 to all skill tests). Functions as a torch. Deals heat damage, is enchanted to be everburning and when held counts as though the sun is present.
  • Bront stored the lantern


To Do

  • About to do activities for the day



Scratch Space

ArchBishop - 9 Stem - 9 ArchBishop - 8 Mal - 7