Example Infrastructure

  • Non-exhaustive list of infrastructure your party may use.
  • Prices will vary based on what is selected, but a base cost is included.
Name Required Space Net Return Base Cost
Workshop 1 2 150
Cart   0 50


A fully furnished shop for some sort of expert. Select a specialization from the Tool Set list, this workshop counts as that toolkit, any skill tests related to that tool kit gain a +2.

Costs 150 silver, you can add a second kit for an additional 100 silver.

Renting this facility for other experts to use returns 2 silver per day.


A way to move large amounts of items and people around the countryside with ease. A cart can be used to travel if:

  • At least 2 horses are hooked up to haul it (though more can be).
  • 2 people spend their day driving.
  • You are not taking it off a standard trail.

The benefit of travelling with a cart is that it:

  • Holds 60 size worth of items with people counting as 10 size.
  • Any person not driving gets a Downtime Activity every Travel Segment.
  • Moves at the same rate as travelling by horse.

A cart can further be upgraded:


For 100 silver your cart is fully enclosed, giving privacy, and protection from the elements.

Extra Storage

For 50 silver you gain an additional 10 storage, this can be taken 6 times.


For 150 silver you gain 1 space worth of land to install other infrastructure.