Session 20


Verdantholm 23 Fall - 28 Fall

  • Zinatu Letter: Arturas, Something has awoken near Calphion, a dark evil unearthed. Maria
  • Doing another Downtime (till the 28th)
    • Simple Training, Second Skin
    • Greg Training strange riding,
    • Alexander Research,
    • Arturas, going to meet Xen.
      • Alexander wants to know about materials that can absorb and resonates with magic. Called Shadestone. From the Darkmountain.
      • Xen will train Arturas but he will need to leave wolfsbite for some time.
    • Simple-Joe sent a letter to Average Joe, let her know that the Umbral Courts actors are doing stuff. Also pushed her to start a Mercenary company instead of being Argent Hold.
    • Brought the Precursor pieces to Xen who recognized them as Pre calamity. Mentioned the precursers could power them with their body.
    • Heading to the Glade,
      • Got attacked by undead animals marked with cursed symbols
      • A creature in a high pitched voice said “What are the humans doing so far from their city”.



To Do

  • Sunsworn breastplate as a curio.
  • Jasmuta new stats include magic stuff.


  • Roxy (Roxanne) la Croix wants them to get an artifact from the glad, if they do will join there “team” and provide them info from Verdantholm.
  • Mage Guild will pay 10 silver for any meaningful translated passage of text in the pre calamity tongue.
  • Something evil has awoken near Calphion says Maria


Resistance to all ancillary physical. Ressurect if not destroyed entirely.

  • Bear 8 integrity Roar to fear characters, +7, rending, 4 damage
  • Elk 6 integrity 2 damage when it move into you unless you pass grace, +5, pierce, 3 damage
  • Wolf 4 integrity Bites +4, Rending, 2

Scratch Space

  • Greg +5
  • Arturas +1
  • Wolf +1 (d)
  • Simple -1
  • Elk -4
  • Alexander -5
  • Bear -6
  • Bear -10

  • Wolf takes 3 (2 left)
  • Wolf takes 2 (0 left), melty
  • Arturas on a (-2)
  • Bear 1 (7)
  • Elk 2 (4)
  • Bear 1 (6)
  • Elk 3 (1)
  • Bear 2 (4)
  • Bear 3 (1)
  • Bear 2 (-1)