Hooks and Intrigue
For Post-Calamity A list of things the players know of, and quests they wish to complete.
The town of chordys used to export fancy blast powder refined of resonant materials. It is near the monster hunters guild. Heard from some hunters in Causdin. There was a great hunt there a few decades ago.
Giants Saddle
A giant in the north will have a saddle stuck to his back that can be used to ride anything.
Revenge Served Cold
Akren cousin murdered by the leader of the barrel blasters to the North East.
Ruins in the Lake
Arturas-Gabrys remembers hearing of ancient ruins rumors in Dorna.
Staff Of Power
Vespin-Aevaris knows of a staff of power in a dead civilisation crypt to the South West of Crosshaven
For Post-Calamity a list of completed hooks
Ancient Dragon Roost
North of Causdin there is a large cave structure which used to house a dragon and wyvern. The Imp from Returning The Heart might be here.
Apetite In The Mines
Something is in the nearby Wayside Quarry the day manager has a bounty up of 40 silver.
Complete 2XP 40 Silver
Breckles and Tennens War
Complete 4XP
Setting out, Simple-Joe, Alexander-Aurelius, Greg-Colter all decide to depart from Crosshaven on their way to Wayside. Planning to meet Akren there.
Find The Missing Shipment
In Causdin, shipments are going missing.
Reward: 100 Silver, 10 silver a season in additional income from improved trade with Crosshaven.
Complete 2XP
Returning The Heart
Causdin Bringing the dragons heart from the Imp Lord. Imp will be somewhere to the north, and gigantic.
Reward: 200 Silver, imbibing from the dragons heart, 2XP.
Something Underground
There is a civilization under the mines according to Tellian
The Manticore
Arturas-Gabrys knows there is a manticore broken free from a wizard tower NE of Crosshaven. Argent-Hold needs experts to track and deal with it. Grey and brown sell swords from Session-01 were travelling in that direction.
Complete 2XP
The Tidal Boar
An elemental boar has taken control of the waterway south of Tennens
Complete 2XP