Session 2


Segment 2 Spring 6 - 6

  • Wagon Activities
  • Arrived at Wayside Gained 1XP completed Departing
  • Met with Akren, high-energy conversation.
  • Alexander-Aurelius revealed the crown symbol to everyone.
  • Jameson in the infirmary clawed to pieces
  • Night manager
  • 10 people lost and starved behind a collapse, (these became The Hungry + The Full)
  • Simple Joe did surgery on Jameson successfuly.
  • Alexander-Aurelius and co went to get supplies and talk to Tellian
  • Month since cave in that killed the miners.
  • 2 weeks since the harm started and the section was cleared.
  • Tellian mentioned an underground civilization.
  • Nurse has a weird sorting system of codes for medicine.
  • Vespin-Aevaris got 1 size of necrotic flesh bits from surgery
  • 2 Dungeoneering Kit + Excavation Tool Set + Light Kit need to return all but the light kit.
  • Simple-Joe was given 8 silver for performing surgery
  • 15 minutes into the mine travelling and getting tired.
  • ambushed by the remains of the miners: The Full, and 9 of The Hungry in the clearing where the attack took place.
  • Arturas-Gabrys destroyed The Full lobbing off its head
  • The full provided an Apex Predator Bit




The surveyor of the mine, just looking to finish up for the day.


The night manager, keeps a tight ship wants to blow it up.

To Do



Scratch Space


  • Arturas 11
  • Full
  • Akren 9
  • Alex 9
  • Joe 9
  • Full
  • Greg 6
  • Vespin 6
  • Hungry