Session 13

Year 1332 Winter 3rd - 8th

  • Downtime in Mornhold
    • Mal - Supervised Learning
    • Bront - Supervised Learning
    • Casey - Routine Maint
    • Stem - Involved Task (cyclops details)
  • Thinking about poisoning the Cyclops, want to kill it to then resurrect it. Going to lead poisoned fish to the harpies.
    • Barrel of fish - 5 silver.
    • Bront maybe going to try to disable the cyclops laser powers for the fight.
  • Stem spent 6 silver on a big banner for the group.
  • Going to see Corporal Gezz
  • Met Corporal Gezz and Dres Snider (She/Her), they asked about the cult, mentioned they using corpses to power their army.
    • Offering 60 silver monthly
    • Cult has a full city in the south east they have constructed.
    • Can ask about “Steel Sparrows” in any city to find allies.
    • Mornhold has an extensive armoury that the group can buy from.
    • Brains of the Cultists, have been melted with maddness 0% chance to save them. Cultists are classified as undead.
    • Offered to bring them some treat on their way back.


  • 60 silver per month
  • 1 xp for becoming agents of the crown.


To Do

  • Letters (I keep forgetting).
  • Make an agent of the crown advancement everyone gets for free.
  • Going to Darcellus.


