Session 8

21st - of Summer

  • Mal said goodbye to his father. Mentioned he can mention the “pale king” to send messages back to him or receive aid.
  • Mal received a pale elf assassins cloak, giving (+1) to sneaking, hiding and movement actions.
  • Heading to Mournest, going to be 2 travel segments.
    • Stem - Gathering got 3 size artisan plants
    • Jarl - Scavenge + Scout + Gathering
    • Bront - Watch
    • Mal - Watch
    • Casey - Good Nights Rest
    • Rei - Good Nights Rest
  • Made it to The Bridge Of Lady Vonna.
    • Rei wants to rap battle someone, made 7 silver in a bet
    • Stem talked to Balias a master toy crafter about making a doll (45 silver).
    • Bront found that the disciples of Vonna were searching for truth in the worship they are doing.
    • Woman in full plate and half cape, with a large bound book (looks worn). Catherine The Adjudacator. Rei talking to her.
      • Had met the Red Sun Cultists in Dora and in Nenta.
    • Casey was looking at messenger pidgeons for around 30-40 silver.
  • Summer 26th travelling again:
    • Stem - Focusing on the lantern
    • Jarl - Scavenge + Scout + Watch
    • Bront - Good night Rest
    • Mal - Socialize
    • Casey - Good Night Rest
    • Rei - Scout
    • Goblins attacked on guard duty, 8 goblins, arguing about stewing or spitting the party. 1 Ogre.
  • Fall 1st arrive at Mornest.
    • Full moon on the 1st and the 15th of every month
    • Bront and Casey went to the vampires mansion.
    • Everyone else is going to dimitrius to give over the spirit.



To Do

  • Find the name of the volcano city with the smiths.
  • Gonna start with dimitrius house.



Ogre has 4 armour and a great sword.

Initiative Move Threat Integrity Weakness Resistance
3 Close 4 4 Fire, Impact Rending


Size 4 Artisan Great Sword, Size 2 hammered iron armour x2, A kit of some kind (explorers kit in this case),

Scratch Space

Possessed Doll Costs -

  • 1 size machinery (10)
  • 3 size of Artisan Wood (15)
  • 1 size of artisan metal (5)
  • Service fee (15)

Goblin Fighting

  • +3 Ogre (DEAD)
  • +3 Stem
  • +0 Jarl
  • +0 Bront
  • +0 Casey
  • -1 Goblins (1)
  • -2 Mal
  • -3 Goblin (DEAD)
  • -4 Rei

  • Suprise Round
    • Jarl kills goblin
    • Bront misses
    • Rei misses
  • Fight.
    • Stem pushed one far from the ogre Takes one down
    • Bront beemed a goblin
    • Casey misted to avoid one
    • Rei kills the one on bront
    • Stem hacked the one on Jarl
    • Mal dealt 4 damage.
    • Bront blew up the ogre.
    • Stem killed the last goblin.