Breckles Pass

A settlement mainly containing the breckles, surrounded by two hills (mountains) forming a natural pass through the land.

Old man breckles sits out and watches the pass, Thomas Breckles, gaze across the pass and shoot arrows at the Tennens

Academic, Knight, Rogue, Labourer


  • Mounted massive spotlights that run on resonant material. 24 hours for 1 size of basic.
  • A stone resonating with life, the twin of the one in Tennens-Settlement.

The Slab

A large cave carved out of the mountainside, where their treatise and leaders meet. Large stone table with meeting slab with the names of all the breckles leaders.


Jereby and Spangler 2 commandos, rivals.


2 hills, Crumsten, dwilf (smaller).

Dawnster Breckles

Grough thoughtful man, blonde, dressed in military gear.

The commando leader, waiting on Alexander in Breckles-Pass. Let them pass.

Old Man Breckles

Dry kinda harumphy voice. Skeptical.


Breckles Elite

A master of travelling the woods, moves with confidence and power on their dire mount. Wearing grassy ghillie armour, carrying knives and bows.

| Move | Initiative | Integrity | Weakness | Resistance | | ——————————————————— | ———- | ——— | ————————- | ———- | | Close / Far | 3 | 2 | Heat | |


  • Knife Attack (4, Rending, 1).
  • Bite Attack (3, Rending, 2).
  • Ranged Attack (3, Piercing, 2).

As the Trampler training. skill test is at a (+4).

To The Shadows

This character gains a (+2) on actions when unseen.


  • Avoid (2)

Breckles Conscript

A basic soldier recently conscripted. Carrying simple stone weapons and a sling.

| Move | Initiative | Integrity | Weakness | Resistance | | ———————– | ———- | ——— | ——– | ———- | | Short | 0 | - | - | - |



  • Avoid (-2)