Session 5


Segment 5 Dorna Spring 13, 14

  • Manticore resides in the wizards tower, going to use explosives to force it out of its nest onto solid ground.
  • Alexander-Aurelius went to see medium
  • Veradin Silvers old home, the wizard tower, been dead, had part in the calamity.
  • Mercenaries departing today, travelling 2 days towards the tower to push it out.
  • The Truthsayer gave Alexander-Aurelius one question

Segment 6 Dorna Spring 14-16

  • Travel to the Wizard Tower:
  • Caught the manticore, with a meal flying around
  • started a forest fire
  • pushed to the tower
  • manticore nest first floor,
  • tower has magic protection, sparse windows, ends in strange stalagmites at the top
  • Vespin needs 10 minutes to disable the alarm.
    • 35 minutes to Manticore
  • Greg approached the manticore pup, to gain its trust started project with 4/7 steps
  • 5 minutes in room (30 to manticore)
  • Greg-Colter found something for the manticore pup to play with 5/7
  • 5 minutes additionally (25 to manticore)
  • 10 minutes parsing notes and crafting bombs (15 to manticore)
  • Vespin left the magic field,
  • spend 5 minutes, failing to hide, lost the cub (10 minutes left)
  • Cauldron, bookshelf, nice bed
  • Argent-Hold wants a book called “bridging the moon”


  • Full set of Brigandine Arturas-Gabrys
  • Any Martial weapons the crew might want
  • Some chain shirts
  • Fill ur pockets with scrap Akren grabbed 3 size of metal
  • 2 size worth of anti-magic crystals (exotic resonant material)
  • Books of expert: Conjuration, Divination, Abjuration (2 size each)
  • History Reference manuals (2 size) +1 to history knowledge rolls
  • Found an orb
  • Cleaning Cloak (a cloak that never gets dirty) Found the cloak that wasn’t dusty
  • 4xp for killing the Manticore
  • Akren 1 size of artisan wood from a chair
  • Greg grabbed a chain shirt (fits)


To Do

  • Get rules for chain shirt.
  • Give Arturas-Gabrys an additional armour pip



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