
During Downtime, or Travelling you will get a chance to do some activities. These are simple declarations of how you spend a large chunk of time, culminating in some benefit to the player.

Downtime Activity

These are actions a character could spend a day doing. All characters have access to a number of these, others can be gained with Training.

Perform Travelling Activity

Just because you are in a city doesn’t mean you can’t do the same things you do on the road!

Perform a Travel Activity

Involved Task

You’ve been busy working on something that isn’t exactly a job.

When you do an involved task, you dedicate yourself to resolving something your character needs to deal with. At the end of the task you will either get to Influencing the Story without a cost, gaining some tangible benefit, or asking the GM some direct questions. In all cases, there shouldn’t be a skill test involved. Some example tasks would be.

  • Hiring a specific expert to aid on a job.
  • Researching a specific topic in depth.
  • Finding a really specific rare item.

Supervised Learning

You use a trainer or reference to gain new skills or training.

  • You may start Learning something you have Unknown.
  • You can spend as much XP as you want, up to the total required to have it Known. If you don’t spend the required amount of XP it is considered In Progress.
  • For pricing, see Teaching.


You use your abilities to work a job.

Perform either:

Call On The City

You are interested in what this city has to offer. You busy yourself learning its workings and what is going on.

  • You may ask the GM a direct question about the place you are. Then you may do one of the following:
  • Ask the GM another question about the city.
  • Invent something about the city, with it costing 1 less Influence to do so.
  • Gain an Ally for the duration of your stay. Work with the GM to determine who this is (potentially costing influence).
  • Gain an Influence.

Hone Your Skills

You dedicate your spare time to bettering yourself.

  • Select a Skill you will receive a (+1) on all related skill tests until your next Downtime.

Travel Activity

These are actions that a character can do while travelling somewhere, your spare time in the evenings or additional brain power on the road are dedicated to whatever you do. All characters have access to a number of these, others can be gained with Training.

Good Night’s Rest

You focus on sleeping and being prepared for what lies ahead.

Do Production Work

You tinker and work away in the evenings, maybe even while riding.

On Watch

You organize watch for the team, taking extra shifts when necessary.


You hunt, forage, and provide for the group.


You travel ahead, and plan the journey.


You share stories, play games, or train with your friends.

  • Any time you Aid a character who also Socialized when selecting Activities, you get a (+2) instead of a (+1).
  • You may spend up to 2XP Learning, a skill or training another Character also socializing has Known.

Night Learning

You work on reinforcing your learning.

Working a Job

Jobs are ways to spend days and supplement your income. They come in 3 variants.

Day Work

  • Depending on the settlement, any area will have specific types of labour available. These will be associated with each of the 5 Attributes.
  • You earn silver equal to your Attributes value associated with the work.

If a character was in a lumber and trapping settlement, they may have physical labour (strength) available as well as tracking labour (agility). A character could choose to do physical labour, making their strength value in silver.

Skilled Work

Your character has a specific skill or talent that they are trained to leverage.

  • You can make the amount of silver that a Service, normally costs, that your character is capable of performing.
  • This will require succeeding at an appropriate skill test. With failure resulting in 0 silver.

Production Work

Your character has a specific skill or talent and can create a certain amount of goods ready to be traded based on succeeding on a skill test of some kind. Similar to Skilled work, but your compensation will usually not be in silver, and instead in something that will need to be exchanged.

Any production work you do, assuming you succeed, will pay similarly to what it costs in Costs Of Services. When you arrive in a town for the first time every week, the town should perform a Variable Difficulty Wealth test to determine how many people in town want production work done. If the town succeeds, 1 job + 1 per Step Of Success is available.

The GM may put limits on what sorts of work the locals want done, but shouldn’t be too conservative. Even a small, poor village might put their money together to get a powerful ritualist to make sure they have rain in the coming weeks.