Session 13


Causdin Summer 16-29

  • Travelling to Causdin
  • Summer 19: Make it to Causdin.
  • Want to shop, cook, and meet the locals.
  • Gonna do Downtime:
  • Went to meet Caleb Wyvern Rider (he/him),
    • Noted Akryn wasn’t there.
    • Wanted to know what the meeting was about.
    • Greg-Colter played with Baltrix.
    • Waived Gregs training fees for the next week.
    • Mentioned, losing a relic.
    • Said if they tell the story of Breckles, live for free till departure.
  • Went to meet Perigrin Vesta (she/her),
    • Vespin and Greg aren’t going,
    • Learned of the festival,
    • Learned of the logistics conditions/thievery.
    • Explained “The Heart” was stolen and taken far to the north.
    • Wants some documents on the supply situation.
  • Gained the Favour Of Causdin, can call on a favour while here in the city area.
  • Learned the artifact, stolen by an impling lord, grows larger as it steals and covets. Devilish monster. Prefers caves / cavernous areas. Once it becomes large enough it becomes a community.
  • Perigrin Vesta (she/her) gave the dossier with details on missing shipments.
    • Someone has signed off on all shipments
    • They then are unacounted for.
    • Perergrine thinks they are being shipped back down river.
    • 3 dock managers signed off on this.
    • Weapons are being siphoned, it looks like other stuff is being siphoned but is being used to cook the books to offset monster barding being siphoned from local stores.
    • Over the last year enough to equip a platoon has vanished. About 400 silver worth.
    • Shipments vanish basically right away, are accounted for originally, then are missing at first inventroy.
    • Don’t know how many managers there are total.
    • All stolen shipments by boat.
    • Last siphoning was 8 days ago, was noted missing 3 days ago, Harold Roy signed off on it.
    • Boat with weapons coming in the next 5 days.
  • Summer 24: Doing another downtime:


The Flash Gauntlet

Arturas-Gabrys made: Uses basic resonant material to blast AOE flashbangs. If loaded with stronger material, can be overloaded.

Float Cloak

Vespin-Aevaris cloak makes him float, has a metalic bloody sheen.



To Do

  • Imp Lord stats, Arturas-Gabrys needs to know its weaknesses.
  • Going to do some more activities during this final downtime.
  • Mutas teen stats need to be made.



Imp Lord

Learned the artifact, stolen by an impling lord, grows larger as it steals and covets. Devilish monster. Prefers caves / cavernous areas. Once it becomes large enough it becomes a community.

Scratch Space