Handling Equipment

Your character will need tools to survive in the world of Aspirant and to become great. Generally, all items have some utility, a size, a cost


All objects are categorized as having a size. This is the amount of space that it takes up when stored on your character. Sizes range from 1 to 5. Anything that would be larger than a size 5 item can’t be stored simply and must be dealt with narratively.

If otherwise unspecified, 1 size of liquid is up to a half litre.


The world of Aspirant has a barter heavy system, but there is generally currency for local areas. The standard currency is silver coins. 1-10 silver coins are size 1. So, a character with 46 silver coins would count as size 5. Other materials or luxury items could be more efficient space to value, for example, a bar of gold is worth 40 silver and size 1; however, it requires someone able to trade in gold bars. The Costs Of Materials contains a list of conversion rates from silver to other materials.


Under most circumstances, a character won’t pay exactly what it costs a craftsman to make something unless they order it specially made. Purchases of non-trivial items should be handled narratively, and characters could use mercantile skills to knock off the costs of labour or even get a discount on materials. 


Unless you have a buyer/contract lined up, typically items you sell are just worth their size of their primary material. So even though buying a steel artisan weapon of size 3 from a blacksmith would cost 60 silver worth of steel and 5 silver worth of labour, when selling it to most people they would only think it’s worth 30 silver (just 3 size worth of steel).


Generally, looted items can be used by players, however in some cases they may be worn or potentially need adjustment.

Looted Armour

In almost all cases, looted armour will not fit you. Ill-fitting armour reduces max skill by 2 and requires an armourer to adjust it.

Looting Creatures

In most cases, a dead creature will have

  • Enough meat to save the party from paying to live that night, after that, it is assumed the meat spoils.
  • One Bits
  • 1-4 size of monster skin / hide / chitin / etc. which is some quality of Hide or Metal

Quest Rewards

Your characters will be rewarded for their actions.

Damaged Items

Other looted items may be in ill repair. These items will suffer a -1 on skill tests or another downside until a craftsman takes a look at them. This shouldn’t be guaranteed, and should really only take place with equipment in terrible areas or handled by characters that wouldn’t know how to take care of it. A damaged item usually needs a single day of a craftsman’s services.


Aside from gear, your characters may need to call on the services of other experts. The Costs Of Services contains examples of services and their costs for the players to use.

Types Of Equipment