
Dimitrius her husband had never had a funeral so she never got to rest. Haunting a lantern, she wants to get her eternal rest.

Gave the lantern to Dimitrius, next time they are in Mournest going to resolve maybe bringing her back.

Competed Got 1xp and the lantern.

Where is the Food?

The cult is getting food from somewhere on the coast. Maybe figure out where.

The Great Devourer

An ancient hungry beast of blood and flesh in the north. Potentially once a vampire but worshiped as a God of death.

Mentioned by Dres Snider (She/Her).

Darcellus mentioned that there is a mayor of a city there Jeremia who is its thrall. Darcellus wants it dead as its a blight on vampires, it also probably harbours some of the old blood.

The Mermaids Treasure

Cpt. Firebrand worked with the Merpeople to hide their treasure. We know the location.

The Mecha

5 Size of unburnable material, 4 size of clockwork + heart itself.

Roundrox could build a mecha suit that shoots lava.

Red Suns Trail

Grounded Dragon

Making a large mechanized dragon (matilda). Chinese style segmented dragon. Needs some coral sponge that is lighter than air to get it to fly. A bright pink and teal spong growing in shallow water. A Cylcops lives there, angry and dangerous. The coral is hard to come by and would take time to find.

Cyclops Monolyze, shoots lasers from his eye, has a great controll over a population of local harpies worships him as a God. Weak to rending damage all over, vitals he is weak to life damage. Resistant blunt and pierce. Has a hut on the west side of the island where he gets info from the harpie cult on incoming boats. Intelligent, malicious, eats fish and people.

a sailor went to the island early in the morning to grab coral. Went on the opposite side to the home

Has a whole village / cult base for the harpies.