Session 16

Year 1332 Winter 15th -

  • Darcellus explained the situation, Viking Ratkin to the north are holding
  • 3 ships at least the Ratkin have.
  • Tried brainstorming ways to disrupt
  • Traveling to Mournhold till the 20th
    • Stem - Spend XP, Master Mystic
    • Bront - Good Nights Rest
    • Casey - “Good” Nights Rest
    • Rei - Socialize
    • Jarl - Socialize Jarl saw something while travelling.
    • Mal - Socialize
  • Found some fighting on the Coast
    • Going:
      • Rei going in (transforms into goose)
      • Mal going in (silver surfer)
      • Casey going in (boat)
      • Stem is going (boat)
    • Staying:
      • Jarl trying to man the turret.
      • Bront going to setup some bombs.
  • Bront found in chest in the office:
    • Pistol
    • Books
    • Coins
    • Bombs
  • Players defeated the Effigy,
  • The ritual was completed, elsewhere, the cultists brought the pieces to finish to there.
  • Players wonder if the cultists are some sort of hive mind, since the basic soldiers are husks.
  • Cpt. Firebrand said that they are always welcome abord the ship.
  • Corporal Gezz going to schedule an appointment with the Governor.
  • Dres Snider (She/Her) offered Jarl to come along on a hunt tracking horrors. Jarl is going to be departing for a while.


Agent Of The Crown


Basic - You may spend a power to flash back and purchase something that was available in the last town.


Advanced - You may borrow one item from any town you travel through related to your current objective, you are expected to return it and lose the use of this ability if you do not.

Effigy Fight

1 size of exotic resonant material. The Coal, bubbling with fire.


  • Darcellus knows that the cultists are trading with a group of Ratkin Vikings to the north that hold the eastern pass the the northern continent. They are providing them supplies in return for constructs of war. Not sure where the staging areas are for these supply runs.
  • Great serpent might be in the water, terrorize the boat, deal with damage, holes, potentially fight the tail off.
  • The governor doesn’t like the magic barrier plan, apperently there are greater forces that would dislike that.


To Do

  • Stem sent a message to Rigor
  • Gezz getting them a meeting with the Governor.



  • Effigy 12 int, Resistant All but cold. (5 taken) (7 taken) (12 taken)


  • Stem +3
  • Bront +2
  • Effigy +1
  • Jarl +0
  • Effigy +0
  • Mal -1
  • Casey -1
  • Rei -3

7 Soldiers, 0 cultists

S + Zom + 1,0 R + 2,0 M + 2,0

C + 1, 0