Session 22
- Woodland Fairy Settlement Gladepool
Verdantholm 29 Fall -
- The monster hunters guild used devices like the locators that Arturas had in hand.
- Vespin healed the boys.
- Vespin was given the memory.
- Spirits will look after the group.
- Keddy was promoted to be the guardian of the Glade.
- Heading To Verdanthome.
- Arrived on the 30th of Fall
- Wagon plan:
- Install shield generator for 2 Artisan Materials
- Roxy Lacroix was given the power supply.
- Alexander proposed meeting with the less merchants guilds to overthrow the merchant cartel.
- Roxy will think on who should lead.
- The Jumpsuit that was found was Sunsworns Officers Armour.
Memory Of The Fae Spirit
Special Training - While sleeping you may teleport yourself plus a small number of people and things to The Glade from anywhere. This costs 1 artisan material per person.
Gave Roxy The Orb
- and saved the glade. 2 XP
To Do
- Roxy (Roxanne) la Croix will think on who would make a good leader of the merchants.
- Rewards codify + exp for stopping the poison.
- Jasmuta new stats include magic stuff.
- Morty new stats.
- Suit Stats for everyone.
- Arturas looked at the autocarraige specs that Xen had, discuss costs of carraige.