First Session

House The world of Aspirant is big, but it will start out small. During the first session, a number of questions about the world will be answered.

Start off with where you live:

  • What is the name of the location?
  • How big is it? A small town? A few homes?
  • What do most people do? Are the fishers, farmers, tradesmen?
  • Who’s in charge?
  • What has been an issue recently?

Optionally, you may answer a few larger questions:

  • What sort of kingdom / Province do you live in?
  • Who protects this place?
  • What large threats abound?

Next, move on to your characters. You should all have some connection to one another. Something that ties you all together. Some suggestions are as follows:

  • Went to school together
  • Were neighbours/related
  • Romantically entangled
  • Owed a debt
  • Admired from afar

Talk with each other to nail these down, even if your characters have some grievances with one another, your bond should be greater than any petty squabble. Even the biggest loner must have some admiration or connection, keeping them with the rest of the group.

With this, all together, your characters have made a pact of some kind, a deal, a shared goal. You have a plan to meet up and deal with some local issue:

  • Where are you meeting?
  • Who are you talking to, to get started?

With that, play can begin. You will start at the meeting place with your equipment collected and your goodbyes already given, ready to set forth.