Session 19


Ghost Town 17 Fall - 22 Fall 1173

  • Declaration Of War: Let it be known throughout the heavens and on the holy lands of Certella that Grand Arbiter Lucia Lunarmarred declares a final mark against the sunsworn of the north east. You have mind, stripped and admonished for too long at a great cost to the blood and earth and will be swallowed once more in darkness, may nothing/beyond be my witness.
  • Arrived at Verdantholm, checked in on Regular Joe first.
  • Downtime in Vertantholm
    • Akren: Supervised Learning. Wants Cold Steel.
    • Alexander-Aurelius: Calling on the city.
      • Learned of a master craftsman Xen.
    • Greg-Colter: Supervised Learning. Mounted Expert.
    • Simple-Joe: Supervised Learning. Wants to meet a master level mercenary trainer.
    • Vespin-Aevaris: Supervised Learning. Master level arcanist.
    • Going to the The Black Leaf
    • Met with Roxy (Roxanne) la Croix. Doesn’t believe they have achieved what they have.
    • Went to the mages guild, the doorman stoped them needed proof of magic. Gave them an arm band and marked their name. The group know of Vespin.
    • Translated some more works with Mo Joe (he/him).
    • Alexander given a band in grey and gold.
    • Melany Lezwix suggested to go with Vespin-Aevaris to the “Spiral Step” a drinking location he liked. He actually hated it, sussed out that he has lost his memory.



To Do

  • Sunsworn breastplate as a curio.
  • Letter from the Zinatu to Arturas-Gabrys.
  • Plan: 1 more downtime, then going to the Glade. Then back.


  • Roxy (Roxanne) la Croix wants them to get an artifact from the glad, if they do will join there “team” and provide them info from Verdantholm.
  • Mage Guild will pay 10 silver for any meaningful translated passage of text in the pre calamity tongue.


Scratch Space