Character Development

As you adventure, your character will become stronger. This can happen in a number of ways. When completing quests, you will gain XP. XP in this game stands for “Experience Potential”. During Downtime, you can convert XP into character development, whether it be increased skills or new training.

When you rest, based on the length of the rest, you will have time which could be spent training. Spending XP to train is either a downtime activity or travel activity.


Aside from inherent progression, the experts of the world have much to teach your character. As you travel you should learn everything you can spending your XP to gain new Skills and Training.

You can learn using:

When you learn something, it will either be Unknown, In Progress, Known.


A character can’t learn from nothing. When your character desires to learn something Unknown, a person needs to be paid for Teaching, or they need a Training Manual. Either way, they will also need to have XP available to spend.


A skill or training is considered unknown if you haven’t spent any XP towards learning it.

In Progress

A skill or training is considered in progress if you have spent some XP, but not the required amount to learn it.


A skill or training is considered known if you have spent the required XP on it. At this point you benefit from it.


As your characters gain Total XP you gain additional benefits beyond your Learning. These are called Character-Milestones and you receive them as follows:


Basic, advanced, and master training represents powerful new abilities that your character can learn to possess. Trainings can either be:

  • Passive - just does something all the time for you.
  • Elective - gives you a new ability/option you can use at will.
  • Power Based - Requires spending Power to activate.
  • Once Per Downtime - Very powerful abilities that can only be used once before resting in a city.

Basic Level Training

Basic training should fundamentally be known by any practitioners of the training school.

Advanced Level Training

Advanced training should be known only be those with experience, but should still be relatively ubiquitous.

Master Level Training

Master level trainers should be rare and not readily available. A master should be a person of notoriety, and gaining training from them should require more than just an exchange of Currency.

Types Of Training

There are a number of standard character archetypes and group archetypes you will run into in Aspirant. These will make up the bulk of training you can learn and have available. Some characters and groups will notably fit into more than one of these archetypes, in that case they could teach trainings from any school they fit into.

Table of contents