Magic Storage


Table of contents

Harmonic Bags

Inverting Backpack

You’ve cosmically entwined two backpacks. Each exists now as the inversion of the other.

  • Requires a second backpack to enchant.
  • You count as wearing both but need to spend 15 seconds flipping your current inside out.

Saddle Tunnel

A compartment exists at the bottom of your bag that leads all the way to your saddlebags.

  • You can access your saddlebags any time you have your backpack.
  • Your bag always smells like your mount.

Bag Of Holding

This container is bigger on the inside.

  • This container is only 1 size no matter the size it holds.
  • This container can’t be placed in another enchanted bag or it’s destroyed.

Cosmic Sheath

A loop filled with darkness hangs from your belt.

  • Your belt can hold one additional item of any size.
  • Your belt jingles with a distant echo.