Session 16


North Of Causdin 1 Fall - 6 Fall

  • Heading north to the Ancient Dragon Roost
  • Traveling:
  • Arrive
  • Started to get cold,
  • Couldn’t pick up the trail but found a cave smelling of sulpher.
  • Made some poison bombs.
  • Pushed into the cave.
  • avoided some traps.
  • killed an Impling.
  • Killed some more implings
  • Met and defeated the boss.
  • Vespin at (-1) to all actions till rest from severe.


  • some silver.
  • Heart of the dragon size 2.
  • 8 size of junk worth 40 silver.


To Do

  • Heading back to town.



Scratch Space

3 implings to the front.

  • Arturas +5
  • Greg +4
  • Alex -1
  • Implings -2
  • Implings -2
  • Vespin -3
  • Simple -5

  • Greg destroys Impling (2 left)
  • Arturas -1 imp (1 left)
  • Shadow Wing kills imp 0 left

Imp Lord has 8hp, 8 implings.

  • arturas suprised the lord with a slash and a bomb for 5 damage.

  • Arturas +4
  • Imp Dragon +2
  • Simple +2
  • Imp Dragon +2
  • Alex 0
  • Greg -3

  • Arturas killed an imp
  • Mortimer killed an imp
  • Vespin killed imp
  • Alex hits imp lord for 1 (2 hp left)
  • Greg hits imp lord for 2 (0 hp)
  • Transformed into the Imp Dragon (8 hp)
  • Simple hit for 2 (6 hp)
  • Vespin hit for 1 (5 hp) (-1) to dragon actions
  • Vespin took a severe injury, burnt hands
  • Vespin hit for 1 (4 hp) (-1) to dragon actions
  • Alexander disabled his dragon powers.
  • Greg hit for 2 (2 hp)
  • Imp at 0hp