
A mount is critical Equipment for an adventurer. Moving with just the storage on your back would waste precious time and space. Generally, mounts consist of different breeds of horses, however more exotic mounts with special abilities aren’t unheard of.

Mounts provide a few core benefits

  • Faster land travel
  • Additional storage
  • Potential combat use

Mounts of all kinds have 3 primary stats. When you need to make a skill test on behalf of your mount, you will generally roll Relevant Stat + Mannerism


How well your mount moves. Any time your mount needs to avoid something, jump, rush to a location, this is the relevant attribute.


How well your mount handles stress and pain. Any time your mount tries to shake off injury, charge into danger, or calm itself, this is the relevant attribute.


How well your mount fights and battles. Any time your mount must defend itself, this is the relevant attribute. 


Mounts can also have special traits which give them additional power, stuff like other modes of travel, special attacks, or additional resiliency.


Additionally, any mount that you can use effectively is expected to have a saddle. For exotic mounts, this could mean custom construction. Additionally, mounts may have a Saddlebag which expand your storage and barding #TODOcopy which works as armour.

Character Activity On Mount

While mounted and moving around any non-riding activities your character makes are at a -2.

This includes combat, skilled labour, and even awareness

Mount Prices

A mount’s value in Currency is determined by its stats.

Stat Value Price
1 0
2 10
3 20
4 30
5 40

So, a mount with 4 Mobility, 2 Toughness, and 3 Combat would cost $30+10+20=60$

Exotic Mounts

Sometimes something other than a horse is used.

  • An exotic mount requires Mannerism to be trained as a Skills to be able to ride at all.
  • Exotic mounts can have additional Creature-Traits which will cost between 10-50 silver.
  • Exotic mounts attributes can be determined from their Creatures attributes.

Acquiring Mounts

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