Example Gear

This is a non-exhaustive list of the sort of gear your characters may need. If something isn’t on this list work with your GM to come up with values for it, remember to Obey Conservation Of Mass.

  • Cost is the expected cost to purchase from a merchant, commissioning also requires the commissioning fee from the tradesman.
Table of contents

Clutter Items

Things character shouldn’t be interested in buying to travel with but may be of use narratively. Most adventurers would be better suited using properly packed Toolkits

Size 2

6 Silver

20 Meters of Rope

Reliable hemp rope can be used to bind, tie, or otherwise rope. 2 size of Basic Textiles.

5 Meters of Chain

A strong iron chain that can be used to bind or hold weight. 2 size of Basic Metal.

  • Size 2.
  • Cost 6.


Common ammo for a ranged weapon of some kind. $1\over5$ size of Artisan material.

  • Size $1\over5$.
  • Cost 1.


Useful for providing a small amount of light in the dark. 1 size of Basic Bits.

  • Size 1.
  • Cost 3.


A lockable and protective encasing for any items. 4 size of Basic Wood.

  • Size 4.
  • Cost 12.
  • Holds 4 size worth of items.

Collapsible Stretcher

A folded up cloth stretcher used for transporting individuals who have suffered severe injuries. Comes with spikes to set it up as a makeshift bed raised off the ground. 2 size of Artisan Textiles, and 2 size of Artisan Wood.

  • Size 4.
  • Cost 20.


A small, hard container that can hold a liquid for drinking. 1 size of Basic Metal.

  • Size 1.
  • Cost 3.
  • Holds up to a half litre of liquid.


A wand, pendant or other item that can house magic reagents. 2 size of Exotic material.

Ladder 5 Meters

A wooden ladder useful for climbing to reach things or to bridge gaps. 4 size of Basic Wood.

  • Size 4.
  • Cost 12.


A set of restraints. Nearly impossible to escape without aid. 1 size of Artisan Metals.

  • Size 1.
  • Cost 5.


A small reflective surface you can use to see yourself. 1 size of Artisan materials.

  • Size 1.
  • Cost 5.


Materials used to start a fire. 1 size of Basic materials.

  • Size 1.
  • Cost 3.
  • Takes 1 minute to start a fire, or an action to light something that is doused in fuel.

Water Skin

A soft bodied container. 2 size of Basic Hide.

  • Size 2.
  • Cost 6.
  • Holds 1 litre of liquid.


Alchemist’s Tool Set

A collection of tools for measuring solutions, heating and diffusing materials. 3 size of Artisan materials.

Armourer’s Tool Set

A collection of tools for customizing, creating, and forging weapons and armour. 3 size of Artisan materials.

Camping Gear

A collection of the necessary tools to sleep outside, including tent stakes, a sheet, or bivy, hammock, bedroll or sleeping bag, a small heat safe container, and storage for water. 4 size of assorted Artisan materials.

Comfort Kit

A collection of items required to make the road or a traumatic event easier. Consisting of a weighted blanket, sanitary napkins, sweets, and other comforts not normally seen on the road. 1 size of Exotic + charges.

  • Size 2.
  • Cost 13.
  • Charges(3).
  • Charges cost 1 silver to replace.
  • Anyone you help with your comfort kit, you receive a +1 to social skill tests with.

Complex Instrument

A musical tool of complex design. Complex instruments are expensive and produce nuanced and complex sounds. 3 size of Artisan materials.

  • Size 3.
  • Cost 15.
  • A complex instrument provides a +2 to Confidence checks to use it.

Examples would include: Bagpipes, Dulcimer, Lute, Viol.

Dungeoneering Kit

A crowbar, 20 meters of high quality rope, shovel, and other tools a character could need while delving into a dungeon. 3 size of Artisan materials.

  • Size 3.
  • Cost 15.
  • Compacted compared with purchasing each item individually.

Explorers Kit

A collection of generic items an adventurer should have packed. Whether it be rope, a specific tool, climbing pitons, a torch etc. This kit is by far the most generic, but also any use of the explorers’ kit should expend a use and require refilling, as the tools will be subpar. 1 size of Artisan Metals + Charges.

  • Size 3.
  • Cost 11.
  • Charges(3).
  • Charges cost 2 silver to replace.
  • Can be used as a 1 use substitute tool you need for an Action.

Forensic Kit

A collection of tools required to store and catalogue evidence from crime scenes. 2 size of Artisan materials.

  • Size 2.
  • Cost 10.

Forgery Kit

A collection of stamps, plates, glossy paper and inks required to forge official documents. 1 size of Exotic material + Charges.

So, a -4 difficulty test would result in a forgery costing 8 silver.

Games Kit

A set of cards, dice, small hobby models, or other things a group of people could play with, allowing a group of people to easily pass time. 1 size of Artisan materials.

  • Size 1.
  • Cost 5.

Handyman’s Tool Set

A collection of tools for fixing, carving, and working on the world around you including hammers, saws, chisels, and sanding papers. 3 size of Artisan materials.

  • Size 3.
  • Cost 15.

Light Kit

A light source and necessary fuel, whether it is from treated torches or some form of lantern. 1 size of Artisan materials + Charges.

  • Size 2.
  • Cost 10.
  • Charges(5).
  • Charges cost 1 silver to replace.
  • Every 2 hours this provides light expends a Charges

Painter’s Tool Set

A collection of tools for depicting the world around you, an easel, a collection of brushes and oil paints. 3 size of Artisan materials.

  • Size 3.
  • Cost 15.

Training Manual

A collection of the knowledge required to learn a training bound in paper. 3 size of Basic Wood.

Patching Kit

A collection of pins, patches, bolts and metal bits used to repair armour in the field. 1 size of Artisan Metals + Charges.

  • Size 2.
  • Cost 15.
  • Charges(5).
  • Charges cost 2 silver to replace.
  • Given 5 minutes, you can repair 1 integrity on a suit of armour for a Charge.

Reagent Bag

A well constructed satchel of elixirs, dried powdered items, and other small bits of magic that can be used to perform Rituals. 1 size Artisan Hide + Charges.

A reagent bag contains 5 uses, and replenishing a use costs 2 silver.

Simple Instrument

A musical tool of rudimentary design. Basic instruments will be cheaper than expensive very fancy instruments and produce simpler sounds. 2 size of Basic material.

  • Size 2.
  • Cost 6.

Examples would include: Drums, Flute, Horn.

Surgeon’s Tool Set

A collection of tools for invasive healing of the human body. Saws, scalpels, sewing equipment. 3 size of Artisan materials.

  • Size 3.
  • Cost 15.
  • Used for Surgeon.

Thief’s Tool Set

A collection of tools for heisting, lock picks, a large sack, a crowbar. 3 size of Artisan materials.

  • Size 3.
  • Cost 15.

Tinker’s Kit

Size 2 Cost 15 A collection of scrap bits, odds and ends, adhesive and other consumables you might need to fix or quickly construct something. Any time you need scrap, replacement parts, or other machined parts you can use a tinkers kit. 1 size of Artisan + Charges.

  • Size 2.
  • Cost 15.
  • Charges(5).
  • Charges cost 2 silver to replace.
  • A tinkers kit charge can be used to have a bauble or small part on hand for repairs or crafting.

Trap Kit

A collection of materials, triggers, sensors and payloads that can be used to create and customize traps on the go. 1 size of Artisan Metals + Charges.

  • Size 2.
  • Cost 10.
  • Charges(5).
  • Charges cost 1 silver to replace.
  • Can expend a charge to set up a trap to trigger based on certain conditions.

Trauma Kit

A collection of simple medicines, bandages, synthetic skin, coagulating powder, splints, and other things required to keep people alive after a severe or critical injury and treat the issues. 1 size of Artisan + Charges

Wrangler’s Kit

Size 2 Cost 20 A collection of restraints, blinders, keys, and other bindings usable to bind creatures and humans. 1 size of Artisan Metals + Charges.

  • Size 2.
  • Cost 15.
  • Charges(5).
  • Charges cost 2 silver to replace.
  • Using a wranglers kit on a humanoid requires 2 Charges, anything smaller would be 1, larger entities up to 5.
  • A Character who is secured with a wranglers kit cannot escape without external aid.

Writing Kit

A notepad or scroll and charcoal, quill or pencil. Can be used to write, take notes, etc. 1 size worth of Artisan materials.

  • Size 1.
  • Cost 5.