

Ancient settlement of the woodland spirits. They normally don’t allow outsiders.


  • Something is poisoning the woods.


  • The forest creatures are becoming sick from a poison, the spirits do not want to approach it.


  • Make bark based armour that is very powerful. Gladebark armour.
  • Magic of all kinds is shared here.
  • Exceptional healers

Root Singers Training

Floral Patterns

The earths pieces nurtured are greater than imagined. Basic Training, Flora that you use count as one quality higher.

Root Singing

The world speaks to you, and you speak for it. Advanced Training, you may spend a Power, if you do make a Attunement skill test to control plants.



Keddy (She/Her)

A small cobalt creature that floats as though unmoored by gravity, she wears bark and leaves over her small body, she speaks in a twee whisper.

  • Quick speaking, whispered.
  • Wants to learn more of outside, but is scared of outsiders.
  • Wants to be brave.
  • Can use nature magic.
  • Promoted to be the Guardian Of The Glade.

Oldy (He/Him)

A small creature made of smoke that seems to resemble a long flowing beard

  • Gruff and slow to speak.
  • Wants peace for his people.
  • Thinks he knows all.
  • Is older than this age.

Drella (She/Her)

A dryad of bark and branch which resembles a feminine form

  • Speaks through the wind.
  • Wants to be left alone.
  • Wants to protect nature.
  • Can perform Root Singers Training


Pool Of Memories

  • The water in the center of the settlement can reconstitute memories as though they were real, but only for a moment. Interacting with them too much can make you cease to exist.

