Example Comestibles

  • This is a non-exhaustive list of the sort of comestibles you can create. You can also design your own Designing-Comestibles.



Made from the blood of an enraged monster and a stimulant

A Powerful stimulant concoction, blocking pain receptors and allowing someone to ignore the effects of being injured for d6 rounds. Adrenaline is still effective on most creatures. After adrenaline ends, the person immediately becomes incapacitated. If you use subsequent doses of adrenaline on someone during a combat for the same wounds and injury, they have a 50% chance each time of dying from trauma.

Death Serum

Made from a poisonous plant and venom from a creature

A lethal compound designed to kill an organic creature quickly through organ failure. If you are affected by death serum, you count as wounded and as though you have suffered a critical injury. If you don’t receive medical attention within a few minutes, you will be dead.

Fear Suppressors

Made from blessed water and chalk

Powerful medication that makes someone immune to fear and suppression. Always worth remembering that a healthy dose of fear can keep you alive.


Made from charcoal and animal digestive bile

A thick, viscous fluid. When someone ingests flush, they immediately begin to feel sick. They will start vomiting, sweating and probably have to quickly find a bathroom. Their toxicity reduces to 0, all current alchemical compounds in their system are removed, and they are at a -1 to all skill tests for an hour while they recover.


Made with the blood of an apex predator and a strong stimulant

A Powerful military supplement that is inhaled. On ingestion, your vision immediately becomes clearer, allowing for easier assessment of the battlefield and your reflexes sharpen. After taking Go your character gets +1 to hit, +1 to dodge, +2 to perception tests and +1 to your agility for calculating movement. The effects of Go last for 1d6 rounds and using it again within an hour of taking a hit has a 50% chance of causing a heart attack.

Healing Potion

Made from a fibrous plant, tree roots and the skin of a monster that rapidly heals

A potion that immediately fixes a severe injury.

Love Serum

Made from animal pheromone and beautiful smelling flowers

Powerful medication that forces a person to tell the truth and makes them uninterested in avoiding talking when questioned.

Metal Foam

Made with a metal and oversized chitin

A useful compound which hardens from a malleable foam to a solid metal amalgam.

Mind Breaker Cocktail

Made with the brain of a fearless monster and Fear Suppressors

A specific combination of medications designed to keep you going no matter what. While affected by Mind Breaker Cocktail you must move towards enemies on each of your turns, you get +2 to resolve checks and are immune to fear, suppression and mind-altering effects.

Pain Killers

Made from any strong depressant

A comestible that causes a character to ignore the negatives of injury for 4 hours.

Panic Inducers

Made from mercury and hallucinogenic flowers

On ingesting panic inducers a character makes a resolve test. If they fail they make another resolve test with a -1 for every point they failed the resolve test. If they pass the second resolve test they go catatonic or run from the nearest entity whichever is more feasible. If they fail the second resolve test they immediately start screaming and attacking the nearest entity.

Regenerating Potion

Made from an invasive plant and the heart of a monster that regenerates from death

A potion that immediately fixes a critical injury.


Made from a strong sedative

Powerful medication that can fully sedate a person. If used on an unwilling patient they must make a resolve test at -2 or be put to sleep. If they pass they still take a -2 on all actions for a few minutes until the tranquilizer passes from their system. Any injury will rouse them from their sedated state.


Made with spinal fluid and the eyes of a nocturnal predator

A specialized amphetamine that can be snorted. This compound is designed to keep technical professionals focused and working hard during the most gruelling of tasks while requiring 0 sleep. The major side effect of wake is a complete 1 track mind and an inability to socialize in any major way. Lasts a full 48 hours. While on wake you get a +1 to marksmanship tests, +1 to melee tests, +1 to technical tests of any kind, require no sleep, get a -2 to perception tests, -2 to social tests and a -2 to evasion tests.


Explosives made with various reagents that combine with, in most cases, basic metal bits

Munitions are available to craft and purchase with various outcomes such as dealing fire damage, healing allies wounds, and utility like smoke fields and sticky. While many basic explosives are simple to craft or inexpensive to purchase, those with powerful effects will instead require complex crafting skills, exotic and rare reagents, or have scarce and costly availability. All munitions target a single opponent or a single space in combat unless enhanced beyond their natural ability. Additionally, all bombs count as 1/5 size per bomb.

Munition Materials To Craft # Created Per Craft Description Effect Crafting Cost
Scrap Bomb 1 basic metal, 1 basic liquid 5 A burst of scattered scrap metal 4 + Intelligence Piercing Damage 6 Silver
Flame Bomb 1 basic metal, 1 artisan resonant 3 A furious explosion of flames 6 + Intelligence Heat Damage 8 Silver
Frost Bomb 1 artisan metal, 1 basic resonant 3 A cool blast of ice 6 + Intelligence Cold Damage 8 Silver
Echo Bomb 1 basic metal, 1 basic resonant, 1 basic hide 2 A loud, but localized, burst of noise Disorients the target, forcing them to test Identity(-Caster’s Int) check or lose their next combat action 9 Silver
Sticky Bomb 1 basic metal, 1 artisan liquid, 1 basic bits 3 A gooey ichor coats nearby floors and walls, making movement difficult Walls, ceiling, and floor within 5 feet of the impact point are covered. Movement cost through this area is doubled. The ichor can be frozen, causing the surface to become slippery. All targets on the ichor must make a fixed difficulty Grace test(-2) or fall prone. 11 Silver
Smokescreen 1 artisan metal, 1 basic wood, 1 basic liquid 3 A puff of black-grey smoke fills the space, blocking vision All enemies/allies within the smokescreen lose vision outside of it. Ranged attacks into and out of the smokescreen are done at -5. The smokescreen is also combustible, causing an explosion dealing 6 + the attack’s modifier damage to all targets inside. 11 Silver
Force Bomb 1 artisan metal, 1 exotic resonant, 1 basic fabric 1 A shockwave knocks away all combatants from the epicentre The shockwave knocks all enemies/allies within 5 feet of the impact point away from the centre of the explosion 10 feet. If no contact is made with another surface, make a fixed difficulty Grace or Athletics test to remain standing. If you strike a hard surface, such as a wall, instead make a fixed difficulty Endurance test(-2). On a pass, you remain standing and suffer no other ill effects. On a fail, you are knocked prone and dealt 1 point of damage. 18 Silver
Healing Bomb 1 basic metal, 1 exotic floral, 1 basic liquid 2 A shower of green-white liquid rains down to heal an ally See Healing Potion 16 Silver