Example Transhumanist Effects

  • This is a non-exhaustive list of effects a character could have installed.
  • Prices are not included as these should be rare and almost priceless.
Name Description Effect
Amplified Anatomy   You receive a +2 to tests related to your senses.
Android Your prosthetics no longer appear fabricated and instead appear to be part of your body. On close inspection someone could identify your nature and that you are partially mechanical. You appear human to the average person. Drugs and medicine affect your prosthetics regularly.
Animal Eyes Your eyes have been replaced with those of an animal or construct. You can see in the way that that creature sees.
Blank Mind Physical runes have been applied to your skull protecting against external threats. You no longer blink. You are immune to fear tests and mind altering effects.
Brute Your chest heaves at an enormous pace as your heart pumps 2-5 times faster than the average human. You are immune to stuns and always count as being affected by adrenaline.
Built In Toolkit Your prosthetic has all of the tools to perform a profession built in. You have all of the functionality of a given toolkit built into your body.
Celestial You are slightly luminescent tapping into some strange otherworldly championing. Anyone who you make any successful test while in the presence of you get a +1 to all social tests with going forward as they become enamored with you.
Chameleon Skin   Allows you to hide in plain sight without a negative. Enemies get a -2 to spot you. Anyone making a ranged attack against you takes a -2 on their skill check.
Chimera Your body shifts in strange ways seeming to adapt to its surroundings. Once per downtime you can choose one special ability, talent or skill that something you have interacted with knows or understands to be able to use freely.
Custom Glands You have additional organs providing medicine. Once per downtime you can, at will, give yourself a dose of a predefined medicine or alchemical substance.
Dead Nerves   You ignore the effects of pain.
Dire Kin You are much larger than the average person, your height increases and your build grows to match it. Your agility counts as 1 higher for calculating movement and you may comfortably use weapons 1 size larger in 1 or 2 hands.
Hyde You have an alternate personality referred to as Hyde. You can choose to become Hyde at will by imbibing “the serum”, a placebo. When you receive or inflict any injury you need to make a resolve test to not be forced to transform. You remain as Hyde until all threats are removed or you succeed on a resolve test at the start of a combat turn.  Hyde counts as permanently affected by adrenaline, rolls melee off medicine, gets +2 strength, and must move towards enemies on their turn.
Infused Body Your body is a focus for magical energy. You don’t need a focus to perform channelling.
Inscribed Body Your body is covered in inscriptions and reminders. You don’t need a Reagent Bag to perform rituals.
Lightning Reflexes Your eyes dart and body twitches, constantly in a heightened state of being. You always roll maximum for initiative.
Mutated Agility Your body twitches with speed. +1 Agility
Mutated Fellowship You radiate friendliness. +1 Communication
Mutated Intelligence Your brain has swollen. +1 Intelligence
Mutated Resolve You stand straighter and are unblinking. +1 Spirit
Mutated Strength Your muscles bulge. +1 Strength
Mycelian You have small fibers coming off every part of your body which you leave on objects you touch lasting a few moments before withering to nothing. If you die or for any other reason you may regrow yourself somewhere you have recently been, this process takes a few minutes.
Philosopher’s Stone You have been treated with a serum that is said to bring everlasting life. You no longer age naturally. Your physical flaws are removed as you take the treatment. You are incredibly beautiful. You regrow lost limbs over about 10 minutes of time.
Redundant Organs   Critical injuries to the chest no longer have a chance to kill you. Critical injuries to the head behave like normal critical injuries to the torso.
Reinforced Skull Your character has had their skull cast in steel. Your character always counts as wearing a hammered steel helmet but with no attribute or skill penalties.
Revenant The ashes of a vengeful spirit pump through your body. You are gaunt with skin pulled tightly over your bones and eyes sunk deep in their sockets. Once per downtime after wounding someone you may take another turn.
Second Skin You appear slightly uncanny no matter your form. No matter what you appear to look like your body always appears weaponized as though you are merely a tool. When disguising yourself you may change your physical attributes like height, weight and race.
Universal Tongue The tongue of an extra dimensional creature lives in your mouth. Your jaw moves in an unnatural way barely synchronized with your words. You inherently speak and understand all languages
Weighted Limbs Your arms and legs have been weighted and reinforced making your unarmed attacks very dangerous. Your unarmed attacks deal +2 damage.
Wraith Your body seems to move on its own and in strange directions as though you are exploding from the inside. You may move freely in any direction at your regular movement speed and can levitate/hover at will.